Anti-Inflammatory Plants

Plants in Your Backyard Garden That Could Help

Did you know there are a lot of anti-diarrhea and anti-inflammatory plants? You could grow them in your garden and benefit from them. How awesome is that?

But think outside the box about this. Don't just plant the same kind of garden as you have planted in the past, as they could contain triggers. This year, it's important to follow these guidelines on the new garden you're going to plant:

  1. Plant only heirloom plants. Heirloom plants come ready to go with their full nutrient content, as they were from the beginning of time. The alternative to heirloom plants is commercial plants that are genetically-engineered or GMO. The GMO stands for genetically-modified organism. Did you notice that word 'organism', not plant? The fact is that the DNA of plants that are genetically modified is going to end up in your body, and that means their DNA will affect your DNA. What you eat ends up becoming your DNA. And the problem is that it's flawed DNA. Flawed DNA goes to form diseased cells. It may take time, but it will indeed happen.
  2. You can get the heirloom plants or seeds at one of two websites, and These two websites have seed packages as well as complete packets available.
  3. Plant medicinal herbs too. These sometimes may be added to salads, and do add culinary herbs to your garden.

Medicinal Herbs and Anti-Inflammatory Plants for Your Garden

Here are a few medicinal herbs as well as heirloom fruits and vegetables that may help a lot:

  • Sea Lavender – This plant is used as a tonic and can relieve diarrhea and dysentery. It could be helpful for those who have IBS.
  • Hawkweed – This is another plant that has anti-diarrhea actions. And any anti-diarrheal plant can assist the body when you have gout.
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  • Onions – Although onions are not planted until the cooler times of the year, they are worth it. Onions contain numerous antimicrobial constituents that will protect you from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is important when you have diabetes, since you are more prone to infections. The onions planted in your garden will taste a lot better than ones you purchase from the grocery store because they will be bursting with flavor.
  • Naone Gialle Cabbage Turnip – this is a sweet cabbage that looks like a turnip. It will grow to exceed the size of your head. It's an ancient cabbage that comes from Italy. You can eat it raw.
  • The Pusa Rudhira Red Carrot – This carrot is high in two carotenoids, beta-carotene and lycopene and is light red in color. It's an heirloom carrot that comes from India.
  • The Spanish Black Carrot – This carrot is also from India and its blackness is an indication of high anthocyanidins, those chemical constituents that act as anti-inflammatories and anti-allergies as well. Carrots are high in carotenoids which might have a bone-building function.

Now get busy! You can make a big difference in your health, bite by bite and cup of tea by cup of tea.

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